Governance: Policy Development for Boards (7 of 11)

Policies constitute some of the most important decisions that the charter school board will make, and understanding this key responsibility is critical for board and school success. Policies are broad precepts or principles designed to influence and control future decisions, directions, and actions of the board. Boards focus on broad organizational policies and leave operating processes and procedures to the charter school administration. Through policy-making, the board is able to delegate authority and still retain ultimate responsibility and control. Policies also provide a framework in which other decisions can be made and the work of the board and staff carried out. Policies assure consistency of actions, especially in difficult and stressful situations. Policies also minimize “re-deliberation” on matters that the board has previously decided. Finally, policies define the ways the school wishes to work and the board wishes to govern.

Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
April 21, 2021
Policy Development
Individual topic purchase: Selected
Colorado Department of Education
General: 1.00
This seminar is presented free of charge.