Governance: External Relations (6 of 11)

In the Board Roles and Responsibilities module, we learned that one of the board’s key responsibilities is enhancing the school's public standing. This includes clearly articulating the school's vision and mission, accomplishments, and goals to the public and garner support from the community. We often hear charter schools talk about their board members being “ambassadors” for the school.  Clear, open, and effective communication is key to being a good ambassador. Paramount to this is that board members use “one voice” when communicating with the school community and external audiences.

Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
March 17, 2021
External Relations

Please note: This course does not yet have a video uploaded to view. Please review the PDF materials and take the quiz for credit.

Individual topic purchase: Selected
Colorado Department of Education
General: 1.00
This seminar is presented free of charge.